2014- 2015- Scholarship for Post doctorate. Research in Fine Art’s Academy of Rome, Italy.
2009 Ph,D. In Fine Arts with Distinction, about “Direct Glass sculpture"Alexandria University, Egypt.
2006- 2008- Scholarship for Ph.D. Research in Fine Art’s Academy of Carrara, Pisa University, Italy.
2005- Master Degree in "Glass Sculpture Technology", Sculpture department.Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt.
2002- Ceramic Sculpture Superior Diploma with Distinction, Sculpture department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt.
2000- General Sculpture Bachelor, Sculpture department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt.
1996- Classical Piano performance grade 8 diploma, The Royal Schools of Music of England through the Conservatoire of Alexandria Egypt.
1995- English Girls College “E.G.C” diploma, Alexandria, Egypt.
Work Experience
2010- Appointed as a Deputy Director for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Art Center.
2009- Lecturer in the sculpture department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
2006- Teaching assistant in the Glass Art School “Cam Ocagi” In Istanbul during July and September courses.
2005- 2009- Lecturer assistant in the sculpture department, Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria University
2001- 2005- Instructor in the sculpture department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
2000- Part time piano teacher in the music department, Faculty of Specific Arts' Education, Alexandria University.
1998- 2002- Part time piano teacher in the Conservatoire of Alexandria.
2014 Roma Triennale of Visul Arts
Solo Exhibition in Rome Cultural office, Italy
2012- First Alexandrian Artists' Salon, Sakiet el Sawy in Zamalek, Cairo.
2011- 6th Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Sculpture Symposium in “3 Dimensional Ceramics”, Egypt
2010- 2011- "Glass Sculptures", First solo exhibition in Cairo "Gezira Art Center" and Alexandria "L'Atelier", Egypt
- “Agenda” small art works expo, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
2010- Commissar of 5th Bibliotheca Alexandrina International Sculpture Symposium in “3 Dimensional Glass”, Egypt
- “Young Egyptian Artists Expo” Egyptian Cultural Center, Vienna.
- “Ceramic sculpture and Glass Expo” Mahmoud Said Museum, Alex
- “International Women Day Expo” , Prince Taz Castle, Cairo
- “Agenda” small art works expo, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
2009- February- " Glass Sculptures" , Khan el Maghraby in Zamalek, Cairo.
2008, July- “Solo Donne” Torano sculpture exhibition in Italy
2008, July- “Frauenau Arts Academy” in Germany
2007- “Flash Sculpture event” Carrara, Italy
2007- Carrara Fine Arts Academy Biennale, Italy
2006- International Glass Art School “CamOcagi”, Istanbul, Turkey
The Small Art works", Mahmoud Said Museum in parallel to "- 2005
"Alexandria Biennale"
2005, December- " 7 female Artists" , Khan el Maghraby in Zamalek, Cairo.
2005- "Alexandria Artists", Plastic Artists syndicate
2005- "El-Shona Art Center and Museum" Alexandria
1996- Annual Sculpture group exhibitions in Alexandria Cultural Palaces and “Alexandria University".
1989-1992- International Youth art exchanges participations.
Public sculptures
2008- “Falling Leaf Glass sculpture” The Chianti Sculpture Park in Siena, Italy
2005- EuroMed youth Awards for best projects to Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Tunisia
2005-Monumental sculpture "Isis of Pharos " for the New Stadium Square, Alexandria
2004- " Ministry of Investment", Bronze Euros mural, Cairo
2004-Cimpor garden sculpture in " El Amreyah ", Alexandria
2001- "National Museum of theater, music and traditional arts", Portraits of artists Amina Rizk and Naguib Sorour, Cairo
2001- Stanly public square, Portrait of Alexander the great, Alexandria
Extra curriculum activities
1994- First prize in Classical Piano Performance of the Cairo Opera House youth competition, Egypt
1997, 1998- Duets piano performances in Alexandria Cultural centers, Egypt
1997- ECUME, Classical Piano performance and Duet, Alexandria, Egypt
1988 -1998- Group classical recitals
- Member in the Egyptian Plastic Artists’ Syndicate
- Member in the Alexandria Faculty of Fine Arts Alumni’s Association
- Member in the Sustainable Development Association of Alexandria
- Youth worker and trainer in the field of Cultural exchange through the Ministry of youth, in the context of Euromed Youth Programme in Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sweden, since 2000- 2006.