Name: Miguel Isla
Birth: Born in Tudela de Duero (Spain). Valladolid Art School 1969 – 1974
Country: Spain
Exhibition: 2011 Ici artistes en residence, Abbaye-aux.Dames. Caen , FRANCE

Escultores del mundo, Fundacion de Cultura of Santiago del Estero, ARGENTINA

Salzburgo-Valladolid, La maleta Gallery. Valladolid, SPAIN

2010 Architecture of memory, La maleta Gallery. Valladolid , SPAIN

Lúsine Utopic, Tessy sur Vire – FRANCE –

Tras las huellas de Oteiza, Fundacion Segundo y. Santiago Montes . Valladolid – SPAIN –

Le Chevalier Art Gallery, Carcassonne, FRANCE

2008 «Esculturas SIEM» Monterrey Contemporary Art Museum
Monterrey - MEXICO

« Sculptures » Woljeon Museum of Art. Icheon, KOREA

2007 Bienal de Escultura de Valladolid -SPAIN “El origen de las mareas”
sculptures Segundo y Santiago Montes Foundation,Valladolid-SPAIN

2006 «Spanish Contemporary Prints and Sculptors» La Maleta
Gallery Valladolid – SPAIN

2005 «Harmony Between Man and The Living Heart»
University of the Sunshine Coast Gallery. AUSTRALIA
“Tangram” Jebiwool Art Museum, Gwacheon KOREA

2003 “Impresiones de Ichinomiya-Cho” Rosalia Olcese Gallery Valladolid SPAIN

2002 “Sculpturen” Schloss Moritzburg GERMANY

2001 “Sculptures” Baik-Song Art Gallery, Seoul KOREA

“Sueños y Silencios” Salle de Penitents,Montbrison FRANCE “Sculpture Internationale” Gallerie Incarnat. Grignan FRANCE

2000 «Sculptures» Gallerie Jean Marc Tilke Carcassonne. FRANCE

«Sculptures» Maison de Mémoire Carcassonne. FRANCE

1998 “Arte 2000 en Castilla y León” Madrid, Oporto. SPAIN, PORTUGAL

“Distinto-Junto” Periplos, Cádiz, Palma de Mallorca. SPAIN

1997 «Larbre du Sept Bras» Soleymieux, FRANCE

«Les Espaces du Silence» Ovadia Gallery FRANCE

1996 «Les Espaces du Silence» Usson Muséum FRANCE

«Atlantis Angelis» Monastery of Prado SPAIN

“Lart dans La Ville” St Etienne, FRANCE

1995 «Polimorpia» European Court of Justice. LUXEMBOURG
Prize: 1999 Award Biennale International of Sculpture Montbrison.FRANCE

1997 Award Fray Luis de Leon of Sculpture. Valladolid. SPAIN

1995 Award Caja España of Sculpture.Zamora. SPAIN

1988 Award Valladolid de Pintura, Valladolid. SPAIN

1986 National Award of Sculpture Burgos, SPAIN